Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah
Picture taken on Thanksgiving weekend 2013.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

♫♪ It's Raining, It's Pouring ♪♫

Happy Easter everyone,

I hope you all had a nice Easter day. We didn't do much. The kids still don't believe there should be an age limit on finding eggs and baskets. The good thing is teenagers don't wake up early!

I'm only scheduled for 20 hours this week at THD, so I thought I would catch up on my blog. As you guessed by the title, it is raining outside. It has been off and on all week. My flowers are starting to bloom. Especially my roses. I picked a few this morning and put them in a vase. Our grass is so thick and green. I think we have had more rain these past few weeks than we got all last year. Everyone in Kansas is very happy about the rain. Hopefully this year the farmers crops will survive.

Crazy week for Keegan. I know what you are thinking...what's new, right? Most kids are happy that school is almost out for the year. Instead Keegan gets this sick look of anxiety on her face. I can tell she is thinking about how much school work, projects and IB tests that are scheduled yet. Each night she has been getting very little sleep because of homework due each day.

The Spring play that she is in starts this weekend.  It is called "Marvin's Room". Rehearsal has been late every night this week. Last night at dress rehearsal, I had to learn how to put an acrylic bald head on Keegan. It was not fun to apply and less fun for her to wear. During the play she has to wear 3 different wigs. I don't know much about the play, but I do know her character has leukemia. Keegan won't tell me if she dies or not. Regardless I'm taking a bunch of tissues. Keegan has expressed how sad she will be to perform her last play in high school. Personally I will be glad when this weekend is over. Needless to say when she doesn't get much sleep she starts to feel sick. She's been fighting a cold and a froggy voice all week.

I know you are all wondering if she has made her college choice yet. I think so, but you never know what could happen in the next 2 weeks. Her favorite place at this point is Washington University in St Louis. They have presented the best financial package so far. It won't be long and the final decision has to be made by May 1st.

Dawson has been out of sports the past few weeks. He fell hard on his tailbone! The 1st night he came home from practice after hurting it, he was in excruciating pain. We were going to take him to the emergency room but then we started reading about it online. According to what I've read, the tailbone usually has to heal on its own. It takes a long time, but it will heal. He is moving around rather slowly, but at the same time he is doing much better than when he first got hurt. His lacrosse team has not been doing so good lately. They seem to be on a loosing streak. I don't think it is because Dawson is out, but I'm sure it doesn't help his team either. This week he was supposed to play lacrosse in Arkansas. He's pretty bummed out that he can't make the trip with his team.

Dawson is really looking forward to the end of the school year. He is counting down the days and saying he is almost 1/4 of the way through high school. I'm not sure what he will be doing this summer. He wants to get a job. Although there aren't many places that hire 15 year old kids. He has also mentioned playing on a summer lacrosse team and possibly going out for the high school soccer team again.

One thing new with Dawson that I almost forgot to mention,  he just got braces put on his teeth. The 1st week was hard for him. Not so much because of the pain, but because his food was limited!! He is now back to normal and eating enough for 3 people. He is sad because he can't have his daily apple and almonds in his lunch bag anymore. You can hardly see his braces. On his top teeth his braces are clear. On the bottom teeth they are silver, but you don't notice them when he smiles.

I will attach a few new pictures along the side bar. Hopefully I will get more pictures during Keegan's play this weekend to send at a later time.

I will continue to keep you all in my prayers and please do the same for us. I know that I say this often, but I just can't say it enough. So many times a day I turn to God for help. It seems like lately not just day to day, but even moment to moment I have to stop and ask for help to not be feeling so much pressure and full of anxiety. God brings so much peace into my heart and mind. Thank you for your prayers.

I'm not sure where our travels will be taking us this summer. I think it will all depend on when and where we will be moving Keegan into college. If we do any visiting this summer we will probably be mooching off of everyone "AGAIN"!!

I love and miss all of you,


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